Learn to do things you don't like, before it's too late.
Why? Because, if you learn to avoid things you don't like, life is going to be very hard for you and those around you. HINT: Learn to play 2 instruments or 2 random hobbies or talk to / be friendly with 2 people you normally wouldn't.
Why might it be too late? If you've learned (through reinforcement learning) to only do things you like for 1 month, 1 year, or 1 decade... your brain is going to be very fundamentally primed to look for the easy stuff. So, when something hard or don't-like happens, the instinct is going to be to find a way around it.
A bit of caution to not "bypass" or "pretend" it actually is fun. For the kids (or yourself), don't say, "see, that was fun!" as that reinforces the subtle 21st century madness that everything is supposed to be fun and positive. Instead, say, "I know that wasn't fun. But look how we were able to accomplish it. How does it feel to finish something that was hard."