Friday, July 31, 2020

SHORTY: Something better exists

About 2 decades ago, I wrote some copy for an ad.  "Something better exists, but you can't have it."

With Buddhism, I'd change it to:
Something better exists, but you can have it.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

More and more.

"We cannot truly overcome unhappiness by physical comfort alone; ultimately, the unhappiness created by human intelligence can only be alleviated by intelligence itself."

-HH The Dalai Lama in Essence of the Heart Sutra

I had heard things like this for a long time, but they never sunk into the heart.

Friday, July 3, 2020

SHORTY: the shiny fire sermon

When you start to see the fires of greed, the fires of passion, the fires of aversion, and the fires or delusion, ask yourself: what is skillful to do? It is very easy to be glamoured by what is shiny.