Sunday, February 13, 2022

Metta Lyrics: Peaceful Easy Feeling (Eagles, 1970s)

Sitting in Panera in KS. And heard this nice metta "calling".


… 'Cause I get a peaceful easy feelin' (1)
And I know you won't let me down (2)
'Cause I'm already standin'
I'm already standin'
Yes, I'm already standin'
On the ground (3)

Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Jack Tempchin
Band: The Eagles


1. Metta is a peaceful easy feeling. Also, see the idea of piti and sukkha in the 1st Jhana.
2. Consider the 7 qualities in the "Mitta Sutta" on friendship. "you won't let me down" sounds like a grasping to friendship. (In attachment theory, maybe anxious attachment.) But the knowledge of the other person not letting us down (is) can be more about metta. If the metta is strong, it doesn't require constant verbal validation. In an inner, spiritual way: we can be brothers and sisters, on the same team, pulling together, rooting for each other. Even though externally we may not lift a finger or even say a word. (One teacher of mine has never answered a question of mine directly or definitively, yet I have been helped more than if they spoonfed me the answer.) You won't let me down is more about heedfulness than about pandering.
3. Consider the famous sayings of the Buddha about "be an island to oneself" or "be a light unto oneself". It makes us grounded, stable, like a pillar 16 spans deep. If we are on the ground ourselves, we don't need to feed. And when we don't need to feed, we are able not to be blown around by praise and blame and the other winds or the 8 world's winds.


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