Saturday, June 25, 2022

Buddhists stay in the closet

I'm exploring LGBTQ pride month here in the Bible Belt. And there is a big conflict. Some people want to deny the existence of gays (see conversion therapy, yuck). And others, advocates, say things like Silence = Death.

One TV program said that living in the closet is hell, and that one can't live in the closet, hiding. The route talks about authenticity, and needing to be seen, so others can see that it's okay.

These are important and powerful, public shows of acceptance for people as they are.

And, in the processes of public life, which includes identity and interpersonal interaction, the publicness of things is important.

Which makes it contested. A battleground.

Buddhists, however, are fine with our spiritual lives being in the closet. We display, publicly, via maroon robes, shaved heads, and shaved eyebrows who we are. But we don't broadcast or evangelize. And, furthermore, there are many who keep their Buddhism quiet. Because, in the depths of Buddhism, it's a solo journey. Yes, the path is much easier if you have teachers. But it's not essential. The Buddha didn't have a teacher. And had a long time meditating and developing on his own. Nobody can meditate for you. Or save you for you (unlike the parable of Jesus).

So Buddhists stay in the closet, in a sense. There is no part of the path that says we gotta put up a billboard.

For Buddhists, silence is no death.
For Buddhists, staying in the spiritual closet has a safety to it, a heedfulness to it.

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