Tuesday, August 15, 2023

four qualities of a teacher: GALE

in Thanissaro bhkkhis article on finding a good teacher, he lists four qualities to look for.

1. generosity (aware and giving)
2. actions matter
3. doesnt deliberately LIE, and if so, is ashamed
4. even handed in applying rules (to themself, others, people they like and don't like).

acronym: GALE, generosity, actions, lying, and even-handed. 

on generosity, it's actually more or most important than they can recognize generosity whenever present, however small.  if a villain does a small kindness, the teacher can see both the kindness and the larger harm. the opposite is to see nothing positive just because a person is not liked. 

on actions matter, this is a belief that actions matter, that consequences matter. this is what is largely meant by Karma/Karma in the Buddhist canon. the opposites are that everything is fate and our actions don't matter. or, that one can do some chants or good deeds to erase the consequences of their actions.

on lying, it's straightforward in part: don't lie. but the way Thanissaro Bhikkhu presents it, he emphasizes having shame if you do lie. I think this is more pertinent, since modern culture excuses lots of little lies. it acknowledges that people do lie. it sets a bar: even if you catch a teacher in a lie, see if they admit to it and fess up. they should show shame, rather than justification and digging in. the opposite is shameless lying, and also convenient lies.

one even handedness, this means they aren't partisan in applying rules. for example, they don't justify some people's shady actions because they are friends or beneficial to our cause, but then denounce the other side's same actions. this is the anti hypocrite and anti double-standard rule. the opposite is partisanship. 

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