Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Happiness is tricky, some questions to ask

Happiness is tricky and messy. Here are some questions to ask to look at your happiness:

Is your happiness based (only) on your own actions or depends on the actions of others?

Is your happiness bsed on your mind and mind's actions? Or dependent on comforts of the body?

Is your happiness in conflict in the happiness of others? This can be looked at both shallowly and deeply.

Shallowly: are you looking for some positionality or possession that someone else covets? If so, there can only be one winner.

Deeply: is your happiness dependent on the exploitation of others, indirectly?

Deep and edgy: is your happiness dependent on the exploitation of others, directly, but you look the other way?

(Note: your survival is likely dependent on harm to others, and this is unavoidable. It can be lessened, but dont get in fights about who is is holier than others. Your happiness does not need to depend on harm to others, because your happiness (in the buddhist perspective) actually does not depend on your survival)

A lot of happiness is self-indulgence, disguised as reasonableness, masking grandiosity and greed.

Due dilligence is good and consent is good, but neither are really sufficient if you want to be very heedful.

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