One thing has always been a right turn. Sharing food. When I'm travelling, I pack extra snacks. I'll give it to friends. I'll give it to strangers.
At Insight Retreat Center, near Santa Cruz, there is a plaque at the entrance. Something like:
“If beings knew, as I know, the results of giving & sharing, they would not eat without having given…”
Which is in the suttas. (See below).
When the Buddha talks about the gradual path, he talks of giving as the first step. Even before virtue or renunciation. And, in the Theravada rituals, young kids scoop a little bit of rice into the monk's bowl. Even before they really understand what it means in a large, long term way. But in a short-term way, they know what giving is. And it can be ingrained, early in life and repeatedly. For our long-term happiness and benefit.
I've heard talk lately about a "caring economy". But it is possible to have a caring economy without a sharing mindset. And I've seen caring, but with greed/anger/delusion as a foundation. It can feed the body, but not the heart. If GAD is in the intention, it will not lead to long term benefit. I have never seen sharing, especially sharing of food, that is full of greed and anger (delusion maybe). (Note: When I do see sharing with greed or anger, it isn't real sharing. It's something like "performance sharing" or "virtue signaling", for display.)
May I remember to share food. Either directly putting it in the hands of others or making donations with a click so it is shared.
Happy holidays, this Christmas Eve, 2021.
--- notes
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