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Nothing is Enough // Or everything is not enough. // I have a hunger... //// The hunger is me. // If I feed it, it wants more. // Mostly, it wants something else. //// A wise person, said STOP. //

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Eureka: loving kindness to my racing mind

Today, I had a breakthrough. In a retreat with bruni davila focusing on Metta, I experienced loving kindness towards my racing mind. It opened and released something I hadn't felt before. I realized I was gripping around my racing mind, having made great efforts to try to tame it.

I know all about racing mind for a long time. I have done so much Metta, I thought I knew it through and through. I didn't have much ill will that needed Metta any more.

Today, with some instruction on just seeing it, just feeling it, and saying okay with some ease--the moment was right and my mind was racing. And I faced it not with the usual "go away". I faced with with loving kindness, non aggression.

It was immediate and poignant. I had not done this before. This is a different route. Even as I write this, with a racing mind, I am reacting with loving kindness, not my usual hardness.

Eureka! Loving kindness when I'm triggered by an unruly, racing mind.

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